2004-02-19 - 6:27 p.m.

thirsty thursday

woe is me.

it's 6:09 p.m. and i am still at work. my boss asked me to stay late tonight 'cause there's this big project that we're working on that he wants to get ahead on. WAY ahead.

i was supposed to work late on tuesday, but i had an eye appointment. i was supposed to work late on wednesday, but i had a hair appointment. so here i am.

so far, i am just a little over a half-an-hour into "overtime." ... i'm antsy. non-productive. i don't want to work, i just want to go home and watch thursday night tee vee and drink a beer and smoke and relax.

i think i will leave in forty-nine minutes.

did you know that i am completely blind ...? well, not completely, but pretty damn close. if i am not wearing glasses or contact lenses [ i wear contacts the majority of the time ] i can't see five inches in front of my face. everything is a blurry mess, and i can't tell one thing from the next. and it's getting worse and worse every year. if you know "eyes" my current prescription is -7.50 in my right eye and -6.75 in my left. if you don't know eyes, this pretty much translates into "really fucking bad." ... it's been about three years since i got my last pair of glasses, or updated my prescription, so i went last weekend and got it all sorted out with an optometrist. then i went out to the ole optical to find some frames. i looked around, and got some quotes, and you know what? my lenses -- which have to be "special high index" lenses or else they'll be huge coke bottles that won't fit in any frames and will look wicked ugly -- won't cost me any less than $350. that's without frames.

that sucks.

every time i go to the optometrist, they tell me the same thing when they ask me what i do for a living. that if i keep working on the computer 9-5 day in and day out, i'm just going to get progressively more blind. lovely, huh? glad that i went through all that schooling, etc. to find out that if i don't think about getting another career soon i'm going to have to train violet to be a seeing-eye-dog.

haha ... the thought of violet as a seeing eye dog makes me laugh. she's like 12" tall from floor to the tips of her ears. she hangs out under the coffee tablei think my shins would be completely mangled after five minutes.

to change the subject:

5 things that make me happy
[ in no particular order ]

1. "Lavalounge" on Live365. yah retro!
2. the fact that spike occasionally says "i love you" at the end of a phone call now
3. when violet rolls around on the couch on her back and goes "gheeeeee! gheeeee! slurp! snort!" when i come home after work to let me know she's happy to see me.
4. survivor nights! [ which i am missing tonight because of work. poo. ]
5. when i go outside for a smoke now all is quiet 'cept the sounds of the drip-drip-dripping of melting snow.


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