2004-01-19 - 1:22 p.m.

sushi vs. cranky

i bet there's one thing that you didn't know about me, and that is that i love stereolab.

well, now you know.

this weekend came in like a lamb and went out like a lion. spike and i had a lovely date, watched "Big Fish" and then, i had fish for dinner. we talked and talked for hours, then went back to my place and capped the night off with some naked snuggling.

the next day, corona popped over and we gorged ourselves on sushi and orange drink mixed with malibu rum, while watching hours and hours of "The Anna Nicole Smith Show" ... we both want to grow up like toothless cousin shelly. she's bad ASS. i love people who start drunken fights at christmas parties! they rule!

the next day, after a wicked greasy breakfast, we headed out and met scabby at a little dive that sells cheap beer. we drank ridiculous amounts of watered-down draght, and i decided to go and play nurse to spike, who was at home bed-ridden with a horrible hangover (he and scabby watched the sun come up with beers in their hands ... hahaha ... suckers!)

this, however, was a very bad idea. spike was tired, cranky, and i think also a little resentful that i spent the day having fun with corona and scabby while he spent the day with his head in a plastic scooby-doo garbage pail. he was chilly and scowly and snippy with me, and i became very over-sensitive to it, and started bawling like a big-ass baby.

i am such a loser. UGH!

why anyone wants to spend any time with me is beyond me.

another thing you prolly didn't know about me is that i like kate bush. yah, that's right. i looooove tha bush.

corona put a little picture of us on her blog, so i am retaliating by putting this one of us last year at karaoke up here. it's one of my favourite pictures of us together


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