2003-10-01 - 1:49 p.m.

random thoughts

did you ever notice that october and september are the months when you see the most sun showers and rainbows ...? i was just out on the balcony and even though it was bright and the sun was shining, it started raining these big, fat drops. it brought me immediately to a memory of being a kid in mississauga, standing between some of the apartments in this compled i lived in for a while when i was really young, and looking up at a rainbow during a sun shower. i remembered that as a kid i thought to myself, "i always see this in september." ... weird.

file this under serious T.M.I.: i hate changing my tampon. i always put it off until the last. possible. second. ... it's a nasty, uncomfortable feeling that i try to avoid as long as possible, but can't avoid altogether. ugh.

for some reason for the past two months, my gag reflex -- which is normally almost non-existant -- has been very overactive. i can't even take pills anymore, which is something i'd never had a problem with in the past. cigarettes, pills ... i find myself practically choking on them ... I wonder why this is ...?

read lintpickle's dream. it's really cool and i'm trying to get her to make a short story about it. now you can nag her, too! heheh

last night i hung out with spike for the first time since before the breakup. i thought it would be really weird, and i was terribly nervous, but it totally wasn't. conversation was easy and free-flowing for the whole night, just like it was before the fights and the tension in our relationship started. tonight we're meeting again to go shopping for corona's birthday. i hope hope hope that things stay this easyt, but i suppose they probably won't. instead of worrying about it, i'm just going to enjoy how good it's going while it lasts, and take things nice and easy. yah. sounds good to me.

i just re-read the above paragraph. i said the word "easy" like three times. i should change it, but i'm wicked lazy.

final thought: cup-o-soup sucks as a lunch. i always am left still feeling hungry. why don't i bring better lunches to work for myself ...? see above.


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