2003-11-28 - 3:13 p.m.

fuck off, rain

it will not stop raining! i am fucking sick of it! i got a soaker again this morning on the way to work ... i swear to god cars come down the street and they see me from behind, and i must strike them as someone who could really use a head-to-toe soaking with dirty rainwater 'cause that's exactly what i get. almost. every. time. it. rains.

/ end rant

i am ever so bored. no one is in the office, and they've run out of work for me. i've been searching for email addresses for a database of ours for two days now. my neck is full of burning knots from being hunched over the keyboard. argh! it's friday. it's raining and miserable. i want to go home. will someone let me go home?

on wednesday i met up with a bunch of my college friends at a Flash designers' event ... it was very cool ... dave was there, jessey, jer, adam and his friend, gayle, tom ... it was a total walk dowm memory lane. i might have gotten some freelance work out of the whole deal, which means that i desperately need a new computer. my current piece of crap won't even boot up my OS anymore. stupid stupid piece of crap! i tried to apply for credit at the local futureshop, but they managed to sniff me out as someone who is terrible with credit. d'oh! ... oh well ... back to the old drawing board.

i love being irresponsible and unable to take care of myself ... don't you guys love that about me, too ...?


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