2003-12-01 - 10:12 p.m.

finally ..

i've finally aquired a new computer. i've stepped out of the nineties and now actually have a machine that appears to be able to stay connected to the internet, doesn't have popups all the time, doesn't keep shutting down on me for no reason, hasn't (yet) shown me the blue screen of death, and ... well ... boots up an operating system.

i am so excited.

now, hopefully i can score some freelance work and start paying for it. hahah ...

seriously, though ... so far everything has been so *easy* with this thing. I was connected to the internet within like five minutes of having this thing on. My old computer wouldn't hold a connection for some reason ... after about 10 minutes, it would completely die, and i'd have to re-start to get my connection back.

now i have to go through the process of installing all of my software ... which isn't so bad ... testing it out is pretty fun ...

... ooH! I am actually using illustrator, photoshop, internet explorer, and msn messenger AND watching a DVD in a little window in the corner ... ooooh ... i think i am going to have to change my panties.


go back - move ahead