2003-11-25 - 11:11 a.m.


ooooooooog am i ever in a bad mood this morning. i barely got any sleep last night 'cause violet was snoring and keeping spike up ... it even got to the point where he got out of bed and went to go sleep on the couch, which made me feel terrible. so I decided that instead of leaving violet there today and going back to his place to get her later, that i would take her to work.

well as i am getting off the bus, she gets spooked by another passenger behind her with a stroller (she gets scared by big things with wheels. and little things with wheels. and thing without wheels. well. pretty much everything scares her) so i am stepping down onto the sidewalk, and the damn BUS DOORS CLOSE. so here's violet on one side of the doors, and me on the other, holding her leash. i start screaming and pounding on the door, trying to dig my fingers in between them to open them ... nothing's working. i start crying on the sidewalk, imagining that the driver is going to drive off with my puppy on the bus. i am going mental ... POUNDING on the doors, screaming at people getting on the bus to tell the driver to open the door ... when finally he does. another passenger had unhooked her from her leash and was trying to get the doors open from the inside of the bus to get her to me. i fucking HATE the Ossington bus. HATE HATE HATE. the drivers are ALWAYS assholes, and it's full of crazy people. before all this happened, there was a guy sitting next to me, and i swear i heard him say to me "do you want to make love?" and then got up and sat in another seat and began dumping everything from his pockets onto the floor. plastic spoons. paperclips. wrappers. transfers. A CONDOM. i was totally spooked.

okay ... he *could* have said "do you want my glove?" ... either way, it was weird and creepy and who knows, he could have said one or the other. he was a freak.

so i get to work, and i forget that they are doing construction on the other side of the house (it's a duplex) ... so every now and then, the guy working on the house will start hammering, and it's so loud, he might as well be standing next to me, pounding on my desk. guess what ...? violet seems to think that it's someone knocking, so she's right on edge, and i have to try and keep her from barking every five minutes today. i'm totally on the verge of FREAKING OUT.

for some reason my diary has become an outlet for me describing how shitty my days are.

oh well. when you gotta vent, you gotta vent.


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