2004-03-02 - 6:54 p.m.

lazy bitch

i haven't written in a while. why? 'cause i'm a lazy bitch. i think i have mentioned this before.

here are ten things about me you probably didn't know.

  1. i was an overweight, highly nerdy loner of a kid. all of my friends walked all over me. i wore terrible glasses, with clear plastic frames. for some reason i thought this would make them less noticeable on my face
  2. my number one fear: that someone's going to try to get into my apartment and kill me. like in the middle of the night, while i am sleeping. sometimes, if i wake in the middle of the night, i think that i can see someone standing in my doorway
  3. when i was a kid i owned almost every she-ra figure ever made [ and the accessories! ]
  4. when i was in grade one, i started writing stories about peter rabbit. i gave them to my teacher, and she liked them so much that she nominated me to be one of the two students in the school picked to go to the Peel Writers' Festival. and i got to go
  5. i have only had two major injuries: once i stuck my elbow down into a fresh-off-the-stove bowl of Campbell's chicken noodle soup, and burned myself very badly ... with skin bubbling off my arm and everything. another time i was playing thundercats with my cousin adam and jumped off a swing, fracturing my wrist. that's it. *knock wood*
  6. i have a birthmark above my right breast about the size of a pea. it's light brown
  7. i like eating eggs. i do so a couple times a week
  8. i rarely do my dishes on the day that i dirty them [ see ...? lazy bitch! ]
  9. i set my alarm every morning for 7:10 in the morning. i hit the snooze until it says 8:13. otherwise, i drag ass all day and can't wake up for the life of me
  10. i have only one set of keys. if i lose them, i am screwed, but for some reason i have never gotten around to making a copy. oh damn. i think i just jinxed myself
  11. Bonus item: i am superstitious. don't ever tell me any superstitions, or like some kind of obsessive-compulsive i will remember them -- and adhere to them -- for the rest of my natural life. *knocks wood knocks wood knocks wood*

i am going home now.


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