2004-02-04 - 12:44 p.m.

hump day

i can't believe it's only wednesday. this week is dragging on wicked long. UGH. i can't stand it.

the song "hey ya" by Outkast is starting to get pretty poplar here. it is even being played on mainstream alternative radio stations (isn't THAT an oxymoron) ... as far as i can tell this song has been pretty popular in the 'states for some time. i like it. it's catchy, but i am sure the over-saturation of it on the radio and television is going to make me so sick of it that the very SOUND of it will make me gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon, but for now i do find myself humming it.

thing is, i listened to it like a million times before i actually *listened* to it ... and there are some sexy-ass lyrics in that song ... for instance in the chorus:

Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (Don't want to meet your daddy, OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (Just want you in my Caddy OHH OH)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH, don't want to meet yo' mama OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (Just wan't to make you cumma OHH OH)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (I'm, OHH OH I'm, OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (I'm just being honest OHH OH, I'm just being honest)

now i am not a prude by any nature, but i think that it's funny that this song is on everyone's lips, and, for the most part [ not unlike myself ] a lot of people singing it aren't even aware of what he's saying. for instance, spike recently did a commercial for Nickelodeon for a cd called "Kidz Bop" which featured kids singing todays "hits" [ if you're old enough, think "Mini Pops" ... if you're not ... well then ... um ... get older ... hahhaa! K-Tel! Whee! ] and one of the songs these kids are singing is "Hey Ya" ... i mean, really ...! who wants to hear a twelve year old singing "i want to make you cumma"??? [ insert ha ha michael jackson joke here ] ...

just thought that was a little cray-zay and that i would share it with you. why? 'cause that's why.

in other news, my boss is away at my other boss' new house, ripping a giant hole in his wall. i love sunflower seeds. no wait, this is related. i decided that since adam and i here are without "proper adult supervision" today that i would pop out and get some sunflower seeds [ which i have been forbidden from eating at work, 'cause my boss doesn't think i can "eat sunflower seeds" and "work" at the same time. which i think is ridiculous, but what can you do. his problem is that he hasn't seen me in action walking around town chewing GUM at the same time. it's really quite amazing. ] but after poking out and checking two different local convenience stores, i couldn't find any. which sucks. poo.

would someone fedex me some sunflower seeds ...? thaaaaaanks. that'd be schwell.

damn. who cares that i can't get sunflower seeds???

Later ...

just got back from another [ sucessful! ] venture out for sunflower seeds. on the way back saw a mother walking her kid back to school [ about an hour and a half late, by my estimation ]. she was drunk -- the mother, not the kid -- terrifically drunk, by the looks of it, to the point where they had reached the crosswalk and she was staring up at the sky, i can only assume not knowing what to do or where to go, even though the school was right across the street. she started crossing the wrong way, when her daughter [ who was bout 6 or 7 ] tugged on her arm to pull her back, giggling. she says "where are you going, silly?!?!" and drunky-mom snaps back into action, and turns them around, and starts them back across the other way, into oncomming traffic. yah. she didn't notice the the crosswalk light had stopped blinking for them. luckily she realized and pulled them both back in time.

does anyone else think that it's astounding that you have to get a licence to drive a damn car, or to go through a lot of training and schooling to teach a child, but any drunk ass fool can become a parent?


go back - move ahead