2003-09-26 - 3:46 p.m.

all right all right already!

i've been being harassed to update my diary. i don't do it enough 'cause i don't have a working computer at home, and i hate sneaking to simpletext every five seconds when i think my boss can't hear me typing. kind of interupts the creative flow.

but i do have things to report, although i am not going to give you a play-by-play of my week. not just 'cause that would be terribly boring [ i don't want you falling asleep on your keyboard and leaving a dfjkksaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa in the middle of your important work ] but because i am lazy and i don't have much time.

basically my weekend was fan-TAS-tic ... starting with thursday, where my friends came out in great support of my birthday. there was lots of drinking, eating, merriment, belly-rubbing, and giggling had by all. GOOD THING: i know my friends are incredible, and love and accept me for who i am BAD THING: when i am drunk i do stupid things, like leave my digital camera at clubs, only so they can be lost forever. i just hope no one's using the pictures of my drunken friends and i for nefarious purposes.

friday was time for more fun, but this time with my friends from my home town. i didn't pay for a single drink, and scribbled my phone number all over cute boys with a phat red marker. stayed out until 4:30 in the morning. i love love love my friends ... did i mention that ...?

i think i will talk more about that. since i have left the land of the locked-in relationship, i've had more love and support from my friends than i could have ever dared imagine.

they call me.

they hug me.

smooch me.

tell me that i am a good person and not everything that goes wrong in the lives of the people i know [ including mine ] is my fault.

they buy me Sea Monkeys�, and talk to me on the phone for hours and hours.

they send me silly emails, and let me zrrrbt their pregnant bellies.

they laugh so hard at the things that i say, that beer comes out of their noses.

they watch Survivor with me and make me delicious dinners.

they drive me up to cottages where there are beaches and giant meteorites.

they hang out in my apartment, and snuggle with me under my covers.

they say "hey! have you heard this song by this band ...?" or "have you read this book...?" or "have you seen this movie ...?" and after that they say "'cause i know you'd really love it!" and then they make me brownies.

they give me weed and fix my computer.

they laugh at me when i am drunk and don't say "you're acting like an idiot," even though I know that i am.

they tell me i am silly when i put myself down. they let me cry when i've had too much to drink.

they visit movie sets with me, and get excited about it, even if it's a geeky movie based on a geeky video game.

they give my dog dried up animal parts and let her lick their faces, even if they don't like it.

they love love love me, and i love love love them, too.

awwwww ....! muuuuussshhhyyyy!


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