2003-09-04 - 4:10 p.m.


don't even read this. it won't be interesting! you won't care! i don't even know what i am going to say yet!

i hate it when people are mad at me and then they say "no" they're not mad at me and you know that they are and they have every right to be but they won't talk to you about it so it just festers and then you're left with a changed relationship.

this sucks, people. don't do it.

does anyone even read this thing anymore?

my period was like five days late. it's usually about three days earlier each month than it was the month before, which means that it was actually like more than a week late. i kept it to myself, but as soon as i talked to someone about it, it came. i am convinced that my uterus is plotting something.

tricky tricky uterus!

i'll get you, uterus!


okay i am going to stop yelling at my uterus.


i have pictures from niagara falls, and i am going to try to post them tonight. all the ones of the falls were actually quite fuzzy, and you can't really tell what they're of, but i have lots of good ones of lights and shit, so i'll post them.

i would post pictures of my friend's baby, but i think that's the kind of thing you have to discuss with your friends first, don't you?

lost my smokes over the balcony this morning.

my boss likes yelling at his brother and using the fuck word. sometimes when he can't yell at his brother when he's not around, he'll call his brother's wife and yell at her. just as long as he gets to yell, he's all good.

i'll shut up now. if you read this, leave a comment and give me some kind of inspiration about something to write about ...

in the meantime, here's a picture of a small dog in a dress.


go back - move ahead