2004-05-13 - 12:33 a.m.

new and improved

If you didn't believe before that I was a slacker, then you must be convinced by now. I haven't updated my damn diary in over a month. I let my "Gold Membership" expire, and consequently lost my cool template. And my stats. Not that I checked them much anyway.

This evening I was particularly bored. I washed my pets [ the fish and the dog ] and did laundry. I plucked my eyebrows and tried on every lipstick in the apartment [ damn, i own some ugly shades of lipstick ] and had a nap. By the time I was done all that, it was only 9 p.m., so I thought "fuck it" I am going to re-make my diaryland template. Voila!

I am hosting my own images now, so I don't have to worry about pesky subscriptions. I have a feeling most of the people who used to read this site have long since decided that I'd dropped off the face of the earth. *shrug* ... no biggie, I guess.

So what's new with me ...? Well, my job has slowed down considerably. I am pretty much just playing around with re-designing the company website. Woo hoo! I took out my labret piercing last night, because I kept biting it. The shorter labret that I got when I healed was too short, and became impacted and really irritated but the next size up was too big, and nothing sucks more than trying to take a bite out of a sandwich and actually getting a bite of a piece of stainless steel. That also happens to be threaded through your lip. Ouch.

Speaking of new jobs, *everyone* seems to have one now a days. Corona, Scabby, Spike and I are now all officially in new lands of employment. How sweet it is. I am still always broke, though. When will that ever end?

This is the most boring entry in the history of all time, but I was getting pretty sick of that sappy lame Kurt Cobain entry, so deal with it.


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