2003-12-29 - 11:23 p.m.


you know what ...? you really do learn something new every day. for instance, today i learned a many number of things, and out of the kindness of my heart, and so you don't have to learn these things as i did -- that is, experiencing them -- i will share them with you.

  • if you really enjoy throwing up, pack a lunch in tupperware on the day before christmas eve. bring the used tupperware home, and deposit it in the sink. make sure it's still good and dirty. go away for five days without cleaning it. open it when you get home. viola! barf-o-rama!
  • you know how knitting needles sometimes come in those handy little plastic red envelopes ...? well, put a bunch of needles in the pocket of a bag, still inside these handy little envelopes, then reach inside and try to get something at the very bottom of this pocket. eureka! those red plastic envelopes can give you a nasty slice that puts all papercuts to shame!
  • if you find a potato bug in your apartment, show it to your dog! she'll eat it!
  • L7 The Beauty Processis an awesome album to clean your apartment to.
  • if you get one of those nifty little oil burners, and then leave the oil burning for too long, it will turn into a sticky gummy mess at the bottom of the burner that is nearly impossible to get off. wheeee!
  • a siamese fighting fish can survive for five days without being fed! believe it or not!
  • sometimes when you're wearing a nose screw, the screw part will turn in your nose, and hang out of your nostril. it looks just like a little silver booger!
  • there are people in my building that seem to think that the dryer is actually a hotel for their clothes! and they leave them in there all night long!

this message brought to you by my dog eating a cookie. thanks for listening.

tomorrow night i am going to my friend sleevin's in brampton for a house party. it should be cool, his apartment overlooks city hall and the city's main park, and they're having a big party there, with fireworks and everything. he has a new boston terrier puppy (so cute!) and i'm bringing violet so they can chase eachother around all night.

so i've been trying to get a lot of stuff done around the house. i also decided to practice knitting in the round with double sided needles, so that i may one day fulfil my destiny as the queen of socks. so i knit myself this badass wrist band and i looOOOoove it.


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