2003-07-29 - 10:06 a.m.

only in toronto

this morning on the way to work, i saw a man in a wheel chair being pulled by three huskies.

like a dog sledder.

it was very cool, and i found myself thinking, "do they see things like that in other countries?" ... i do mean of course the countries that aren't ... well ... you know ... in the arctic.


i have declared the girls' weekend a success. i probably gained like 10 lbs from the chips and the bacon and eggs and the fettucine alfredo and the beer, but dammit, i don't care. i've been depriving myself for too long!

except of beer.

i have not been depriving myself of that.


when i was walking to work this morning my shins and calves were BURNING with aching rage. i haven't been experiencing this on past mornings or walks home. i don't know if it was the way i was walking, or the platform on my boots, or what, but damn bitches! they hurt like a mo fo and the only relief i got was to stop walking

which is counter-productive if you're trying to get to work.

maybe i should stretch before i leave in the morning...?


last night i met spike and some other folk at tortillia flats for some mexican food and beers, then came home, spent some time with spike, and after he left corona and i hung out for a bit -- she needed relief from the sneezing fits packing up her apartment was causing her.

we had a beer each, smoked cigarettes, and watched the simpsons, all while trying out the "tube-o-gum" (that's gum that comes in a toothpaste tube and comes out all mooshy and if you can hold it together in your mouth long enough it eventually becomes solid, at which point it no longer has any flavour -- or rather it has a disGUSting flavour-- but it blows good bubbles). i LOVE blowing gum bubbles.

dammit! i should have picked up some hubba bubba on the way to work.

lady-malfoy's diary is funny today, and angry and cynical. it got my fur up. go read it.


i have also decided to not put FOD entries on here. seriously. no one cares what I have done in the past year, and if you do, I guess you could check it out here.


my camera isn't working anymore. even if i put full batteries in it, it still reads as though they're empty. which sucks. i am thinking this will require a major repair, which i can't afford right now. So instead, here's a picture of dogs playing poker.

look at that cheeky one sneaking that ace ...! muaaah hahahah!


go back - move ahead