2004-03-22 - 10:21 p.m.

i got a new job

yah! you heard me! i wrote an entry about it before, but topped it off with a lot of tales of woe about my dog [ we found a lump on her ... a lipoma ... i am going to get a biopsy on it soon ] and about how i was afraid of quitting 'cause i thought my boss was going to freak out, etc. etc. etc. then i deleted it 'cause i got all stoned and paranoid and thought that it sounded like i was trying to make people feel sorry for me. *shrug* ... what can you do ..?

well almost two weeks ago, i was talking to a friend about Director Lingo, and he mentioned a project that he had done with another company which used a similar technique that he was describing to me for making dynamic rollovers in Director [ nerd-aaaaay! ] and i asked him about the company -- half joking -- and if they were hiring. turns out their designer left them the week before, yadda yadda yadda i spoke to the owner of the company and i start on the 29th ...! i am so excited i could pee myself. i hope hope hope that this is a much better experience in the bidness for me, 'cause i was about to quit and learn how to make dildos for a living.

i still may do the dildo thing on the side, though.

tonight i discovered a way to dry my clothes for half the price that i usually pay, by putting only two quarters in the first two slots, then pushing the slider in slowly until those two coins drop in and then pulling it out again. try it at your local laundromat. it's awesome. i did it by accident but when i tried it again on the second load, it worked like a charm. i'm a laundry rock star, i'm tellin' you. i feel like i'm stickin' it to the man, you know, the man who makes me ask for a roll of quarters along with a pitcher of keiths at the local pub like some big quarter-collecting gimp. ooooooh yah.

another thing to try if you have washing machines that have those flat, slide-in quarter slots is to put something like a laminted library card or a business card on top of where the quarters sit and then sliding that in, tricking the machine into thinking that there are quarters in the slots. i used to do this at my last apartment, which helped out a lot, 'cause for some reason the landlord had the dryer set so you could only get a half an hour out of a buck, which meant it usually cost three dollars to dry a load [ legitimately! muaaah ah ah ah ah! ] screw you roger! neener neener!

my friend shane and his wife just started a livejournal, and he mentioned to me in a recent email that he would like me to send him pictures of my stinky little violet. i didn't have any on me at the moment, but shaner, this one's for you!

this is violet doing what she does best [ besides licking and snorting and eating ]. she's doing okay with the lump ... doesn't even know it's there, but it worries the hell out of me.


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